Mar 24Liked by Crone Life

As a writer of a non-fiction book, I wasn't even given the option to read my own book. As a matter of fact, I wasn't told an audio book was being made until the reader needed to know how to pronounce my name. I have it but I haven't listened to it, maybe I will eventually.

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Yes! I think all non-fiction books should be read by the authors whenever possible. The exception would be if you could get Claire Dane or another actor to give a performance reading. That can totally change the experience for the listener. I am like you, too, in that if the book bogs me down, then I just read parts and call it a day. I enjoy your writing and just subscribed!

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Happy to mansplain barbell training sometime if you want to address osteoporosis that way. Helps with pain in the sense that you always know why you hurt. Teach by the Rippetoe book, also Kilgore and Sullivan. Students all grown-up women hoping to age.

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I think I have a ways to go till I get to that! I don't like to overstress my damaged wrists (badly broken in 2017). But I'll check in with the p/t-ers, they have always been helpful with tips.

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Our nemeses. They are anatomy, we are physiology. They work on the smallest muscles possible, we engage the largest mass of muscle possible. These are very individual matters. Plenty of strength coaches go all PT when their own wrist or shoulder is involved.

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Complementary rather than opposed I think!

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We speak with some of the creatures in the brave new world. Their affect, demeanor, and health show no social stress. They also don’t reek of hormones like the dissidents and freaks of the successive liberations you and I have witnessed. Calm. Detached but expressive. Self-involved but they are young. Polite to the mountain gorilla, 80s SAG actress, Great Dane pit bull, and chihuahua. The courtesy and talking to neighbors might just be the South.

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Zoomers or Alphas?

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Life certainly does have a way of reminding us, unfortunately, often through tragedy ,of how precious each day is. Sorry about the losses, but I hope the diagnosis does help you find some balance that works for you.

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