Nov 21, 2023Liked by Crone Life

I love your observations of that series. 😂

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You read it? I'm kind of tempted to keep going so I can see if Felix Castor ever gets a clue. But I probably don't hate myself that much.

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Yes that is the pro car guy advice. My cousin the international Renault mechanic advised me, drive it for 10 minutes alone. Park it. Ask yourself do I want this car. If you get an unambiguous yes, buy it.

Tin whistle. Penny whistle. The poet sang, "They all play on their penny whistles you can hear them blow if you lean your head out far enough on desolation row." Novelty item of USA folk circuit, like nose flutes and as you say the kazoo. A serious instrument in Ireland.

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I searched for photos and I see it's a little flute/fife/recorder type thing. Different from my mental image, but makes more sense.

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Yeah. A toy for some, music for others.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Crone Life

Run for something

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Crone Life

I found doing something about what is fueling my angst really helps. I sent out customized handwritten letters to help get Biden elected. Since most races are so close, every action counts. I connected with Swing Left. They were very organized and provided specific instructions. The cool thing is you wrote your own short reason why you were voting for Biden. I talked about being a mom of a recent college graduate and the economic stressors she faces, as well as her cohorts future. I felt great! The squad is getting hammered so that might be a good option. There is also an organization advocating for young people to run. I’ll find the name and send out. It’s so nice to do good from home, drinking your coffee, eating snacks! no need to haul yourself to a protest.

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You're right, thought I'm thinking about this in a more existential way.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023Liked by Crone Life

I did postcarding and calling for Biden. It is a good way to channel energy. But right now I suspect our favorite Crone can’t hold a pencil very well let alone scribe up some support letters. Love the book discussion! Currently ready *Noor* on Libby. Love me some bioenhanced feminist Afro futurism!

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That sounds interesting! Will have to check it out❤️

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